Behind the Scenes Q2 2022

Waypoint Team

Q2 was quite eventful for the Waypoint Team! In early June, we had our team retreat in San Francisco. It’s always such a memorable time to connect in person and to participate in team building activities together. Following the retreat, Waypoint split up into 3 teams and embarked on a scavenger hunt in the Financial District. The competition was tough with all three teams finishing within a few points of each other. Following the scavenger hunt, we gathered at The Press Club for some food and good conversation.  

Later in June, the Waypoint Team participated in their Annual Day of Service, volunteering at the SF – Marin Food Bank The team gathered outside of Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco and were immediately put to work. An assembly line was formed with crates of healthy food such as broccoli, turnips, onions, potatoes, carrots, nectarines, box choy, and more. We each went down the line filing bags with 15 – 20 pounds of fresh produce, which were then distributed to local residents.

After a morning of service, we enjoyed a tour of La Cocina Municipal Marketplace, a place that offers entrepreneurial women the economic support to open a restaurant in the heart of the Tenderloin. We enjoyed trying food from all the restaurants in the marketplace. We parted with our hearts and bellies full.



The second quarter of 2022 was filled with friends and adventure!  We had a great visit with Jesse at the start of her 2 weeks back in the Bay Area in June.  Then Shannon and Bob arrived for our WWP Retreats followed by our friend Amee from Colorado who we traveled with in Nepal and Patagonia and then a visit from our dear friends Vera and David from London.  Such a great time hosting at our home, we love it!  After Chez Brinton cleared out we had a lovely weekend camping in Mount Lassen National Park and then I was off to Tahoe with my tribe of amazing women financial planner business owners for our annual retreat.  We’ve grown up together in this business and celebrated our 10 year anniversary as a study group.  It’s aways inspiring to be with this group of accomplished women, thinking about our clients’ evolving needs and the future of our profession.  I always cherish to our time together. 



The 2nd quarter of 2022 was all about doing things that had been postponed during the pandemic for Chuck, including a 40-year reunion of old water polo and lifeguarding friends, a family reunion in honor of Uncle Ted and the Warriors winning another NBA championship!



The last few months flew by for the Hutchinson family! Ella graduated from pre-school and she will be going to Kindergarten in the fall at a local dual immersion program. She also learned how to ride her bike. Riley is talking up a storm. She loves being outside and exploring. Her second favorite thing to do is anything and everything with her big sister! TJ and Courtney celebrated their 6th anniversary with a delicious dinner in SF.



Jesse and Matthias continued to soak up the New Orleans culture in Q2, catching both Jazz Fest and a showing of the Broadway hit musical “Mean Girls” at the local Saenger Theater. The Jazz Fest lineup this year boasted some amazing performances, including Stevie Nicks, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jimmy Buffett, and Lionel Richie. It was also 80+ degrees with full humidity, so it was a hot and fun experience! They plan to head back to the West Coast in June to beat the heat and enjoy summertime in Portland, OR.



This Spring, Rania spent time focusing in on local volunteer opportunities. She kicked it off by helping put together over 350 Easter baskets for foster children ages 2 months to 18 years old in her community. Making sure that each child received a special basket that was tailored to them was something she enjoyed. The experience left her so full of joy that she continued to look for another opportunity to support her community. Next she began volunteering at the local flower farm that opened in 2020. Their irrigation system was being installed and in the meantime most of the flowers needed to be hand watered. “It was a beautiful and peaceful experience, you can’t help but feel happy surrounded by flowers!” The Icelandic poppy was her favorite as the vibrant colors of pink, orange and yellow were a reminder of the beauty of the season.



This second quarter brought in the warmer weather and some traveling opportunities for Avelina. Avelina and her sister Makayla went to visit their mom in New York for Mother’s Day. “This was my favorite trip to NYC yet! Because we all live so far from each other we try and make the most of each visit, cherishing our time together. It was also such a treat to see the seasons change and spring bloom in the city.” Avelina traveled to Sedona, Arizona during this second quarter as well. “This was my first visit to the state of Arizona, and it did not disappoint! The weather was perfect, the red rocks and landscapes were unlike anything I’ve seen before, I had a wonderful trip hiking, exploring, and making the most of my time in Sedona”.



These last few months have been all about enjoying the warmer St. Louis weather! Friends and family were able to take the boat out on the river a few times (including a mud bath for the kiddos!). They also enjoyed a few St. Louis Cardinal’s baseball games. Lindsay’s not claiming to be a good luck charm, but the Cards haven’t lost a game this year that she’s been to!  This time of year is also great for being in nature, whether it’s a solo hike to clear the mind or family bonding time. And last but certainly not least, Lindsay made her way to San Francisco to see many of her co-workers in person for the first time. It was an amazing week filled with fun, food, and laughter.